Kris Van de Sande
Before The Adventures Continue: Part 2

As a Belgian, I was not sure if I should post this video today, after the events this morning in Brussels. But I believe that now, more than ever, everyone can use a bit of Disney Magic. Life has to go on, and so shall we. – Kris

So with great pride, I unveil part two of Star Tours: Before The Adventures Continue: Maintenance Hangar.

C-3PO and R2-D2 are working on Flight 1-24. Doing their final checks on the Starspeeder 3000, they do encounter a lot of surprises. Discover the entire 10 minute adventure here:

Star Tours: Before The Adventures Continue

Every Tuesday of the following five weeks we will post a video capturing a part of Star Tours. Check out the complete series here:

This is a unique and exclusive project by the EndorExpress team to capture the last remaining version of Star Tours, in Disneyland Paris, in its entirety, both as a tribute and as a historical document adding to the amazingly rich yesteryear history of Disneyland.

This is a non-profit fan-video project by, with Star Tours being © and TM by Disney and Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights belong to them.

Many thanks go out to Disneyland Paris and its many talented people in Paris and Brussels and all those that have made this project possible.

Kris Van de Sande
As an international commercial photographer with a passion for themed entertainment, Kris encounters and captures many sides of the entertainment industry. Passionated by Star Tours, he founded EndorExpress in 2002.