Paris Rumors
April 29, 2005
Disneyland Resort Paris has just posted the first annual results of 2004 and 2005, and to say it short, it shows that the parks are getting better than before!
As you may know the resort will continue to have a news attraction every year until 2008… (Buzz Lightyear in 2006, Toon Studios in 2007, and The Tower of Terror in 2008…). So there is no possibility to have a new Star Tours before 2012, because no new ride is planned before.
So we have different possibilities:
- George Lucas could impose every Resort to have new films (as reported in C3) and the WDC could help Paris
- It will be planned after 2012
- Or it is a secret project
Because the “Disney Central Plaza” forum reported that Disneyland Paris “had a new film for a year”… Rumor of course… So is it a DLRP project? Time will tell soon…