Guests visiting Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in both Disneyland and Disney’s Hollywood Studios will want to visit Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities with specialized merchandise fit for any Star Wars fan. But the shop should not be missed even if you had nothing to buy, as Dok-Ondar, a legendary antiquities dealer who is as mysterious as many of the objects he collects, has filled his den with over four decades worth of Star Wars lore, and yes, even something from Indiana Jones. If you want to read up more on Dok-Ondar, check out the five-issue Marvel comics series, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge as it delves into some of the famous antiquities found in his shop.
If you’re looking for hints and prices of the merchandise you can find at Dok’s, this isn’t for you, as we’ll instead be taking a look at the deep history that the Lucasfilm and Imagineering team has littered the walls with. It’s Star Wars Eye Candy for the soul and there’s a lot to take in, so let’s just get on with it…
Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities. You’ll recognize it as the building with some familiar artifacts placed outside, including an Ithorian gravestone.

As you enter Dok-Ondar’s, you might recognize this ancient battle between the light and dark sides of the Force. The original bas-relief of this mural was seen in Chancellor Palpatine‘s office in “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith”.

DOK-ONDAR: A larger-than-life collector of all things odd and hard to find, Dok-Ondar buys, sells and trades valuable items in his intergalactic antiquities shop. The Ithorian is a proud curator, amassing a collection unrivaled in the galaxy. He is also known as the “gatekeeper” of the black market in Black Spire Outpost, so locals know not to cross him. Guests can see him working at his desk, taking inventory and barking the occasional order at his assistants between incoming calls.

You can find a wide assortment of creatures in Dok-Ondar’s, some living, many in the shape of taxidermy displays. We did our best in finding them and matching them up with photos, but there might be one or two we’re missing…

ANOOBA: These vicious creatures lived throughout the Outer Rim. They had pronounced lower jaws and sharp teeth, fearsome growls and thick patches of fur across their spines. They were trainable animals and during the Clone Wars, the bounty hunter Embo took one named Marrok as a working pet. A stylized Anooba also appears on the armor of Sabine Wren.
Anoobas were originally designed by Terryl Whitlatch as a potential creature for Episode I on Tatooine, though were later abandoned for the film. They first appeared in Whitlatch’s book, The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide.

CORELLIAN HOUND: Corellian hounds, also known as Sibian hounds, were a type of hound from the planet Corellia. They were quick and nimble canines used by locals for a number of tasks. Due to their keen sense of smell, they were often used for hunting and tracking. They had a vicious bark and bite, which meant they could be quite effective for protection. Criminal gangs were fond of using the hounds for defense or to attack their rivals. They also had regenerating teeth. Corellian hounds could also be found on the planet Ushruu, where they were known as snarlers.

DIANOGA: This slimy, tentacled carnivore was first seen in “Star Wars: A New Hope” when it attacked Luke Skywalker in the Death Star trash compactor. Dok-Ondar has a juvenile dianoga in a tank at his shop – nicknamed “Toothy.”

FELUCIAN FIREFLIES: These Glowing creatures are native to the colorful, humid jungle planet Felucia, first seen in “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.”
(Note: Since there are no known pictures of the fireflies, we’re posting this picture below until we figure it out)

KOD’YOK: These shaggy, horned quadrupeds roam Vandor’s plains in herds that can stretch to the horizon. Their meat, fur, skins and dung are all essential to life on the frontier world, supplying settlers with clothing, food and fuel. Vandor’s old-timers warn that the herds’ numbers are beginning to dwindle.
(The sign below says KODYAK)

NEXU: A fierce and agile predator, the nexu was one of a trio of deadly beasts unleashed by the Geonosians upon Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the execution arena. The nexu’s broad face was split by a terrifying tooth-filled maw, and four eyes glinted from atop its spade-shaped head. Its wiry, supple muscles were visible beneath its fine coat, and sharp curving quills lined its spine. A naked, forked prehensile tail trailed it, aiding in balance, and its arms and legs terminated in large curved claws.

OLLOPOM: A short, gentle rodent found in the Gungan Swamps of Naboo (sometimes mistaken for a plant).

PROFROGG: (not pictured) This large rodent forms complex underground burrowing systems called “towns.” It has horns, a snout, sharp incisors and powerful claws used for defense and digging.
SARLACC: This dangerous carnivore can grow to 100 meters long and likes to bury itself in sand – leaving only its massive mouth exposed to the surface, as seen in “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.” Dok-Ondar keeps his infant sarlacc (recovered by Han Solo and Chewbacca in the comic) in a special tank that simulates arid atmospheric conditions.

SKETTO: Vicious, medium-sized, hematophagous flying reptomammals, skettos dwelled in the caverns of Tatooine. Only emerging when light conditions were at their lowest, these four-winged beasts possessed excellent twilight vision to assist in the consumption of airborne insects. Skettos fell into the reptomammal class, being warm-blooded and giving live birth to a single offspring at a time.

TAUNTAUN: Tauntauns are a species of snow lizard found roaming the windswept snow plains of Hoth. The Rebel Alliance domesticated the swift creature during their stay on the ice planet, and used the animals for patrol duties outside Echo Base. The animals came in useful as the Rebel technicians had difficulty adapting their repulsorlift speeders to the subzero temperatures. Though tauntauns are sure-footed and well equipped to handle Hoth’s daytime temperature, the chilling extremes of a Hoth night will prove deadly.

WAMPA: Wampas are powerful furred bipeds that dwell in the snowy wastes of the ice world Hoth. These hulking predators have razor-sharp fangs and claws, yet move with surprising stealth, relying on their white fur for camouflage while hunting prey such as tauntauns. A wampa attacked Luke Skywalker outside Echo Base, killing Luke’s tauntaun and dragging the Rebel commander away. An injured Luke awoke to find himself upside-down in the wampa’s lair, his feet frozen into the cavern ceiling. Luke used the Force to call his lightsaber to his hand, cut himself free, and severed the wampa’s arm with a quick stroke.

WOMP RAT: (not pictured here) This pest is native to Tatooine, and as Luke Skywalker noted in “Star Wars: A New Hope,” it isn’t much bigger than two meters. Guests can see a taxidermic womp rat in Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities.

Other Odds and Ends
Looking around the rest of Dok-Ondar’s, you’ll find helmets, props, galore. Let’s go exploring…

ADVOZSE: You might recognize Bom Vimdin from the Mos Eisley Cantina. The Advozsec were a humanoid sentient species native to the volcanic planet Riflor, located in the Mid Rim. Thanks to their thick skin and sensitive eyes, they manage to survive in an harsh environment. On Riflor, volcanic eruptions frequently destroyed Advozsec settlements, so they tended to care very little about material goods. Instead, they strived to accumulate as much monetary wealth as possible so they could continually rebuild after disaster strikes. They also had pointed ears and a single cranial horn at the crown of their head because they had to rebuild frequently, they tended to have a pessimistic outlook on life and a fixation on financial stability.

ARK OF THE COVENANT: Discovered by an off-worlder by the name of Dr. Jones. How it came to Dok’s possession is a mystery. (The Ark has since been moved off-world… rumors have it that it has found a home at Jock Lindsey’s Hangar Bar).

BLUE SNAGGLETOOTH: The elusive figure from the KENNER era is honored here with an urn and the poor guy’s head. You’ll find this Snivvian behind Dok-Ondar.

BOUSHH: Part of Leia’s disguise in Jabba’s Palace can be found here.

DARTH MAUL & DARTH SIDIOUS: Always two there are. A master and an apprentice.

DUROS: (we think) A green-skinned humanoid species with long, noseless faces and red eyes, Duros were a common sight in the galaxy, found everywhere from the corridors of power on Coruscant to dingy cantinas on Tatooine.

EDRIO TWO TUBES: Edrio Two Tubes is a mercenary pilot who flies alongside his eggmate, Benthic. They share the nickname derived from the breathing apparatus that allows Tognath physiology to process oxygen atmospheres. Edrio’s native world of Yar Togna was conquered and occupied by the Empire, forcing him to flee as a refugee. With a desire to strike back at the Empire, Edrio and Benthic have allied with Saw Gerrera.

EZRA BRIDGER’S BIKER SCOUT HELMET: In an episode of Star Wars: Rebels, Ezra dons a biker scout helmet with a custom paint job by Sabine Wren.

GENERAL GRIEVOUS’ CAPE: General Grievous was a brilliant Separatist military strategist and a feared Jedi hunter, known for his ruthlessness and hacking cough. His body itself was a weapon, allowing him lightning quick strikes and devastating blows. But he was also quick to run from a fight, a tactic that worked until one final meeting with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

GUNGAN STATUE: A statue of this creature seen in ‘Star Wars: The Phantom Menace’ can be found in Dok’s shop. The Gungans are the native inhabitants of the planet Naboo, an amphibious species with hardy lungs capable of holding breath for extended periods. Their skeletal structure is extremely flexible, as it is made of cartilaginous material rather than hard bone. The long Gungan face has a tough yet flexible bill for burrowing and rooting out food. They have long muscular tongues with which they scoop mollusks and lesser amphibians from the Naboo swamps. While most spacefarers would dismiss Gungans as primitives, they have developed an advanced technology.

IG-SERIES DROID: (like IG-88) Many people in the galaxy fear droids, what with the memories of the Clone Wars still fresh in their minds. Far more terrifying than battle droids were assassin droids, independently programmed mechanical killers that had no masters. IG-88 is a battered chrome war droid who has become a bounty hunter, and answered Darth Vader’s call to capture the Millennium Falcon during the events surrounding the Battle of Hoth.
Also: Clone Trooper Helmet, Bust of Yaddle, Musical Instruments as used by Figrin Dan and the Modal Nodes.

IMPERIAL HELMETS: A number of different Imperial helmets can be found on the walls of Dok-Ondar’s. On the top (l-r): Tank Trooper, AT-AT Driver, Shore Trooper. Bottom (l-r): Imperial Gunner, Stormtrooper, Mudtrooper.

KALEESH: We believe this is a mask of the Kaleesh race, or even a skull. According to Wookieepedia: The Kaleesh were a species of red-skinned humanoid reptilians from the planet Kalee. They had two yellow eyes with slit pupils. Although all of their facial features were reminiscent of bats, such as their elongated ears and flat noses, the Kaleesh usually wore masks. They were digitigrade, walking on their toes rather than their entire feet, and they possessed a brain, a heart, and lungs. They were known for their lack of mercy.
One of the species’ most notable members was General Grievous, though his mostly cybernetic body eliminated almost any resemblance to other Kaleesh. The Delphidian pirate Sidon Ithano wore a Kaleesh mask.

SYDULLA FAMILY KALIKORI: A Kalikori was a treasured artifact passed down through Twi’lek families. Each parent added to its artwork to include themselves in the family legacy, passing the heirloom down to their children. When the Empire occupied Ryloth, Grand Admiral Thrawn took possession of the Syndulla family’s Kalikori.
(Also available for purchase for $130)

LOGRAY’S HEADDRESS: The shaman of the Ewok village, Logray’s rituals ensured his tribe remained in harmony with Endor’s forest spirits. When a golden god visited his planet, Logray ordered the sacrifice of offworlders in this deity’s honor — only to somehow incur the god’s wrath. No one ever said faith was easy.

MANDALORIAN: A helmet and weapon of the new character in “The Mandalorian” can be found behind Dok-Ondar.

MYTHOSAUR: Mandalorian “Krybes” (unknown) is probably the most prolific symbol of the Mandalorians and also a topic of much conjecture. Its origins are obscure, and there are several camps on the origin of the symbol. The first camp states that the skull is that of a “Bantha,” and while I can’t put my finger on the origin of this camp…the skull symbol itself looks nothing like that of a Bantha. The second camp states that the symbol pays homage to an ancient Mandalorian training master, which is backed up in the Star Wars Insider article; “The History of the Mandalorians” by Abel G. Peña. Finally, the third camp states that the symbol is based on the skulls of ancient “Mythosaurs”, city-sized reptiles that dominated the surface of early Mandalore before the arrival of the Taung species.

NABOO ROYAL GUARD: The Naboo Security Forces are the volunteer organization responsible for policing Naboo and protecting the Queen and her people. Trained in hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship, the members of the **Naboo Royal Security Forces** are well-prepared to defend against acts of terrorism, including assassination attempts on the Queen. However, they are not a standing army and cannot contend with a massive assault, such as the Trade Federation invasion. The Security Forces include the Security Guard, the Palace Guard, and the Space Fighter Corps.

NE GANNA DATEEL JABBA: The piece thought destroyed was originally found on the sail barge of the gangster Jabba the Hutt. (also for sale: $160)

PLO KOON: A Kel Dor from Dorin, Plo Koon was among the wisest members of the Jedi Order, respected for his level-headed analysis of events and unflappable calm. Deeply concerned for life in all its myriad forms, Plo was especially devoted to protecting the clones under his command. He shared a special bond with Ahsoka Tano, whom he’d brought to the Jedi Order as a toddler. One of many victims of Order 66, Master Plo died at Cato Neimoidia when his wingmen shot down his starfighter.

SEVENTH SISTER INQUISITOR: Quick, agile, and deadly, the Seventh Sister Inquisitor was strong with the dark side and one of the Empire’s elite Jedi hunters — and was dispatched by Darth Vader to find Ahsoka Tano and her rebel friends. She often employed the use of ID9 seeker droids on her missions, and carried the same model double-bladed lightsaber wielded by the Grand Inquisitor. A green-skinned Mirialan, the Seventh Sister’s past — and how she came to enter the Inquisitorius — remains a mystery.

SITH ACOLYTE: This mask next to the Emperor’s Royal Guard is quite peculiar. Some Cast Members have mentioned it belonging to Lord Momin from the Darth Vader comics, but that probably isn’t the case. This mask more resembles the Sith Acolytes in STAR WARS: THE OLD REPUBLIC.

TUSKEN RAIDERS (FEMALE): Fearsome desert savages inhabiting the rocky Jundland Wastes, Tusken Raiders are the foremost reason Tatooine colonists do not wander far from their isolated communities. Extremely territorial and xenophobic, Tusken Raiders will attack with very little provocation. They have even gathered numbers large enough to attack the outskirts of smaller towns like Anchorhead. Covered from head-to-foot in tattered rags and robes, Tusken Raiders — or Sand People as they are also known — brandish a deadly bladed club known as a gaderffii.

TOGRUTA: Native to the planet Shili, the Togruta are notable for their striped, horn-like montrals and head-tails. The species has spread beyond their homeworld to colonies such as Kiros, which was despoiled by Zygerrian slavers during the Clone Wars. Notable Togruta include Governor Roshti of Kiros and three members of the Jedi Order: Ashla, a youngling; the Jedi Master Shaak Ti; and Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.

There’s so much more in Dok-Ondar’s to discover. But how’d we do? We’ll continue to update this page as we discover more items! Below are a few things we haven’t quite figured out. Let us know if you know what these are!

Photography by David Yeh
Descriptions pulled from StarWars.com Database, Wookieepedia, and Disneyland Public Relations.