Exactly 2 years ago, I registered an account at GeoCities and made a VERY basic site, with some Star Tours news and some profiles. It started growing and growing, and has gotten many hosts, and even more looks. But after 2 years, we are now reopening at www.swstartours.net.
When Jeremy first contacted me, I had some doubts. He offered me a position at the Euro Rebelscum Crew and a perfect hosting plan for my site. I considered it, and it took some time. But some months later, I left BeJedi.com for Euro Rebelscum as the representative of the Benelux. But as I took my (already) expanded Star Tours section with me, we encountered many problems. I had to learn to work with a new system, I had to learn a new coding language and much more. When it wasn’t a server crash, it was a software problem, and so on. However, every beginning is tough, and slowly, all child diseases are phasing out. Now, 2 years after that original site, I officially reopen this completely revamped website!
Thank you, Thank you..
I have the honour of telling you, that a mere 5 hours after the opening, our visitor counter was set at no less than 1438 visitors. When you see, that those are only the visitors today, we can only see what tomorrow brings (actually, it is today, as the counter resets at CET Midnight.) Also, a big memorable step is that on our second birthday, we crossed the visitor amount of 20000. (In fact, we are close to 21000 already!) Thanks to everybody that made this possible!