Last night was the latest in the series of Disneyland After Dark events, with the entire park going all out for the 90s. All your favorite boy bands and fashions were back in style, but one thing that will never become outdated for us is Indiana Jones. In honor of his namesake attraction, the Indiana Jones Adventure, which opened in March of 1995, the man in the hat was found exploring the ruins of the temple throughout the night and interacting with guests.
“Did everyone make it out?” he’d ask guests exiting the attraction. Most of the guests were silent and dumbfounded, simply in awe that the character was even there lurking about in the shadows. “You’re a quiet bunch.” he’d say to the Disneyland attendees acting like paparazzi.
“Let me know if you see anything… ” he’d later say to other guests in line for the attraction. His folder reads “Mara Expedition 1933”.
Another fun throwback for guests in line was a reprint Decoder Card, perfect for translating the Maraglyphics throughout the Temple of the Forbidden Eye.

Enjoy a few more photos of Indy exploring the queue below!

Indiana Jones here wasn’t posing for photos and there was no line to meet him despite what the guide maps said, but it was still fun to see something different at the classic Disneyland attraction.
Disneyland After Dark is a separate ticketed event. The next event theme is Marvel Superheroes and there’s two nights to choose from! Click Here to buy tickets for that event.
Photography by David Yeh