Thursday, April 7, 2016 may have been the most anticipated day of the year for Southern California theme park afficinados and Harry Potter fans alike, for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter offiically opened for all guests in spectaulcar fashion. The land has been five years in the making at Universal Studios Hollywood and the park couldn’t have executed classier launch for the most die-hard of fans, many who have waited over night just to be there on opening day. While the land has been going through technical rehearsals since February, there was something symbolic about being there in solidarity with other like-minded fans.

Universal Studios Hollywood didn’t allow the fans to go empty handed, as the Weasley Twins, James and Oliver Phelps went out to the line at midnight to distribute Harry Potter wands. It was a gesture that shouldn’t go unnoticed or ignored, because these wands aren’t cheap!

The morning of April 7, the festivities began at 6:20 a.m., when a lone conductor emerges from inside Hogsmeade. He introduces Universal Studios Hollywood President Larry Kurzweil who welcomes everyone and also introduces some of the cast: Warwick Davis, Tom Felton, Evanna Lynch, and James & Oliver Phelps.

Wands were soon put at the ready to release a spell to reveal the land. The noticibly dim land before us was soon buried behind a wall of smoke and fog, but as soon as it cleared, it revealed a Hogsmeade that has come to life before our very eyes. Beautiful and breathtaking, the classy reveal announced the official opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The addition certainly makes Universal Studios Hollywood an even bigger must-see destination for years to come.
Theme Park Insider has a great video of the morning festivities:
And if you missed the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Premiere event, watch it here:
Photography by David Yeh
A Special Thank you to the Universal Studios Hollywood team!